Fachbegriffe   de Terms   en Definitions   en
Anion Anion Ion with more electrons than protons, giving it a net negative charge
Atom Atom The smallest electrically neutral particle of a chemical element, which cannot be further divided by chemical means
Atom Atom Basic unit of matter that consists of a dense, central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons
Atomhülle Electron shell May be thought of as an orbit followed by electrons around an atom's nucleus
Atomkern Atomic nucleus Very dense region consisting of nucleons (protons and neutrons) at the center of an atom
Atommasse Atomic mass The mass of a specific isotope, most often expressed in unified atomic mass units
Bor Boron A chemical element with atomic number 5
Chemisches Element Chemical element A chemical substance in which al the atoms have the same nuclear charge and which cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by physical means
Chlor Chlorine A chemical element with atomic number 17
Elektron Electron An elementary particle
Elektronegativität Electronegativity A relative measure of the tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract bonding electron pairs
Elektronenaffinität Electron affinity The energy gained when an electron is added to an atom or cation
Elektronengas Fermi gas According to the free electron model the valence electrons are assumed to be completely detached from the metallic cations
Elementsymbol Chemical Symbol An international abbreviation for a chemical element
Fest Solid Highly ordered state of matter where the particles are packed closely together
Fluor Fluorine A chemical element with atomic number 9
Flüssig Liquid Unordered state of matter with a nearly incompressible fluid which is able to conform to the shape of its container
Gasförmig Gas The particles have enough kinetic energy so that the effect of intermolecular forces is small and the typical distance between neighboring particles is much greater than the molecular size
Glanz Gloss Optical property, which is based on the interaction of light with physical characteristics of a surface
Gruppe Group The vertical columns of the periodic table
Hauptgruppe Main group The vertical columns of the periodic table, where only the s (1 and 2, i.e. I and II) and p (13 to 18, i.e. III to VIII) orbitals are filled
Ion Ion Atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge
Ionengitter Ionic crystal Salts in the solid state usually form ionic lattices with very strong electroststic attracting forces between the ions
Ionisierungsenergie Ionization energy The energy which is required to remove an electron from an atom or anion
Isotop Isotope Variants of atoms of a particular chemical element, which have differing numbers of neutrons
Kalium Pottassium A chemical element with atomic number 19
Kation Cation Ion with fewer electrons than protons, giving it a positive charge
Kohlenstoff Carbon A chemical element with atomic number 6
Maßeinheit Units of measurement A definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention
Massenzahl Mass number The total number of nucloens (protons and neutrons) in an atomic nucleus
Metall Metal Chemical elements with a shiny surface, which are good conductors of head and electricity
Molekül Molecule A particle consisting of a limited number of atomic nuclei and electrons in a certain spatial arrangement
Natrium Sodium A chemical element with atomic number 11
Nichtmetall Nonmetal Chemical elements which do not have the properties characteristic of metals
Ordnungszahl Atomic number Number of protons in the nucleus and therefore the number of electrons in the neutral atom of an element
Periode Period The rows of the periodic table
Periodensystem Periodic table A table which shows the periodicity in the chemical properties of elements when they are arranged according to increasing nuclear charge number (atomic number)
Phosphor Phosphorus A chemical element with atomic number 15
Protonenzahl Atomic charge number Number of protons in the nucleus and therefore the number of electrons in the neutral atom of an element
Salz Ionic compound A group of heteropolar compound which form crystal lattices consisting of ions (ionic lattices)
Sauerstoff Oxygen A chemical element with atomic number 8
Schwefel Sulfur A chemical element with atomic number 16
Silizium Silicon A chemical element with atomic number 14
Stickstoff Nitrogen A chemical element with atomic number 7
Valenzelektron Valence electron Electrons in the outermost (valence) shell of an atom
Valenzschale Valence shell The outermost shell of an atom
Wasserstoff Hydrogen A chemical element with atomic number 1